Sunday, October 25, 2009

Please tell me what you think-

I want to know what all of y0u think about this, so please tell me.

What does strength mean to you?

What do you think of when you think of a "strong person"?

What do you mean when you say that a person is "strong"?


(Again, if you want you can email your answer to me, or you can tell me not to publish your comment. Thanks for all your feedback!)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Life is like a rollercoaster

Did you ever think to yourself that your life is like a roller coaster?

I have.

But it suddenly struck me. Life may be a roller coaster, steep inclines, sharp drops. Dizzying heights that crash down into the lowest point imaginable. Sure, life is like a roller coaster.

But- Think about it for a minute. When you go on a roller coaster, do you have to worry about your safety? True, for some people roller coasters are far from enjoyable, but, either way, when you get into that little cart, you know that you don't have to be afraid for your safe return...that the roller coaster runs on a pre-designed track, and that, no matter how much you get thrown around, no matter how high you climb or how low you fall, you will always be being guided toward your safe return....