Sunday, October 25, 2009

Please tell me what you think-

I want to know what all of y0u think about this, so please tell me.

What does strength mean to you?

What do you think of when you think of a "strong person"?

What do you mean when you say that a person is "strong"?


(Again, if you want you can email your answer to me, or you can tell me not to publish your comment. Thanks for all your feedback!)


Rachelli Dreyfuss said...

Strength means knowing when to choose whats right over whats wrong. It means believing in your self. (according to moi)

When I think of a strong person, I think I have someone who has overcome a certain struggle in there life

When I say someone is strong, I say it because that person inspires me with their power to overcome circumstances...

ms said...

I think when people think of others as strong, they are referring to the ability to not let their difficulties take them over, at least not outwardly.

there's more to say...but I'll leave it at this for now

itsagift said...

I think a strong person is someone who accepts the challenges Hashem gave them and faces them and deals with them.
I think a strong person is someone who can show the world they are happy, walk around with a smile on the outside even though inside they are cracking, but then when they get home and nobody is watching, they break down and cry and cry and let it all out and tell Hashem - I need you! I'm holding on to you!
I think a strong person is someone who holds on to Hashem through thick and thin and puts all their trust in him!
I think a strong person is someone who helps others even when things are hard for them!
I think YOU are a strong person...