Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What Would You Do?

What would you do,
In this situation,
That your family faced,
Such devastation?

What would you do,
If your father was in need?
I don't think it's even,
Considered a good deed!

What would you do,
If there was no money to pay?
Too bad, not my prob!
Is that what you'd say?

What would you do,
With no food on the table?
Wouldn't you help,
as much as you're able?

What would you do,
Would you act mature?
Even if giving,
Is so not your nature?

What would you do,
If you wanted your money?
But the family's situation,
Was really not funny?

What would you do,
If you were stingy your life thru,
But your father really needed,
Help from you?

What would you do,
Think now my friend!
Don't try to tell me,
No money you'd spend?!?


halfshared said...

Yes, I probably would contribute. Parents give us everything from the day we are born; there is nothing wrong with giving back just a fraction even if it is not the way of the world...

Desperate Faith said...

And this is precisely the reason I am not amazing!

halfshared said...

You don't give a fraction; you give a lot more. When I wrote this, I didn't realize how much you give. And also...whatever.

Desperate Faith said...

also what?

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

Even if it would make sense for family members to contribute in this situation and to give a little. It's still an amazing thing.

You can compare it to a different topic. A mother is supposed to take care of her children, feed them, and everything. But yet when I read these Mommy blogs of mother's who are doing things that are "expected" and "normal" I still get amazed by it. I think they are truly great Mother's and amazing people, no matter if what their doing is what every mother should be doing.

You still have to recognize the good in yourself, and praise yourself, and it helps you keep going.

It reminds me of another topic actually, that I wanted to write about. I'll try to write it tomorrow. Something that was discussed in my philosophy class, about helping people, and if there's such a thing as charity even.