Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Nisayon Of The Dor Hamidbar

Superficially, it seems like the Dor Hamidbar had it easy.
They didn't have to work. They didn't have to worry about providing for their families. Their food just rained down on them from heaven.

Yet, they were tested with the ultimate test of bitachon.
Imagine what they went through. Each night, they went to sleep with an empty pantry, with no food in the fridge. They had no concrete proof that the morning would come and they would find the mahn on the ground.
Yet they believed.
And He didn't disappoint them.

Those people faced a choice. They could have stayed up all night worrying about the lack of food, the lack of assurance...and they would have found the mahn in the morning.
Or they could have made the wise choice. They could have said to themselves "the mahn will be there in the morning. There is no point in worrying. It won't get me anywhere."....and the outcome would be the same.
They would also find mahn in the morning. But they gained a restful night of sleep.

I often feel that I am lucky to be tested in the way that Dor Hamidbar was. I don't know how my family will continue to manage. Al pi derech hatevah, there is no way it will work. Yet, it will. Because He is providing for us.

So I have no reason to worry and fret and lose sleep.
As they say: "Worrying is like sitting on a rocking chair. You go back and forth and forth and back, but you never actually get anywhere."

I am content to know that Hashem is taking care of me.
I am content to know that the mahn will be there in the morning.
And that is all I need to know.


Anonymous said...

may you stay content forever...

Desperate Faith said...


Floating Reflections said...

It is so easy to become self-centered when trouble comes knocking and think that you are the only one in pain. Your posts have been an inspiration to me (even if they aren't to you) and so every word you write gives you extra reward as someone else is gaining and I'm sure that I'm not the only one either. May you continue to feel that you are in Hashem's embrace and may the wheel of fortune turn again very soon.

thinking... said...


Desperate Faith said...

Floating reflections-thanks so much. And amein.

Anonymous said...

wow, that is an extremely deep post. I never thought of it that way. Thank you for sharing this wonderful idea. I will try to use it to help stay strong.