Monday, March 23, 2009

The Little Child And The Captain

I reach the harbor, I'm filled with anticipation. And, if truth be told, some trepidation. I see this massive ship docked in the harbor. I check my ticket, I look back at the ship...yes- it's my ship. And it's due to embark at any given moment.
I approach the gangway. I start walking up....
I am on the boat. I look around at all my surroundings. There, on the left is the galley. I hear the noise of the kitchen crew preparing dinner. To the right, I see a lifeboat. Something inside of me relaxes one notch.
Then I go up to the upper deck. The whistle is blown, the ship sets sail. I look around me....and all I see is water, water, and more water.
How in the world am I supposed to find my destination? I can't tell water from water, star from star!
I go down below, and take a nap. By the time I make it back up, and survey my surroundings, the harbor is out of view. Now, in each direction, all I can see is water...all the way to the horizon. I start to panic. How will I get there? How will I find my way? How will I manage?
I sit down on a bench and start to cry. An old man walks over to me and says "what is the matter my child? Why are you crying?" I choke out a response. "I...I...I don't know where we are going! All I see all around is water and it is so confusing! How will I ever find my destination?!?"
The old man looked at me and said "calm down my child! Can't you tell? There is a Captain, He is steering the ship."


halfshared said...

So true and so beautifully written! Thank you.

Floating Reflections said...

I know it ... but how do I feel it?

corner point said... children, their fears are very real. Have you ever had a situation when you were a kid and you were afraid of something, only to have an adult say, "That's silly! Don't be afraid of that!"... Did it make you feel any less afraid? Probably not...maybe even more afraid, and definitely pretty stupid, too.

So I wonder...
In this world, how does that work with us?

Anonymous said...

CP, i think the way it works in this world is that we are still afraid...even though intellectually we know that we shouldn't be. cause just like the a child's fears are real, so are ours.

me too said...

wow...that's beautiful!

Desperate Faith said...

Yes, the child might have a legitimate fear. But at the same time, looking back, we know that the old man was right, and the captain was navigating the ship. If we continue our story onwards a few days (or weeks, however long it takes) the child's fear would prove ungrounded as the ship reached it's destination. Eventually...if we let our lives play out....we find that the Captain was steering the ship.

Did that make sense?

One thing I can say is that I was told this mashul when I was facing a very uncertain time in my life, and BH it all worked out. At first, I was so confused...facing an ocean of umcertainty, but now, looking back, I see how it all worked out so well.
And it could be you have to wait much longer than just a year or two...but the Captain always is, and always will be navigating for us...

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is so true. Thank You. Sometimes we are so involved in the planning of our lives that we forget that there is a G-d running the world and nothing is in our control. This mashal reminds me of the inspiring story I heard about the aircraft that experienced terrible turbulence throughout the long flight. All of the passengers were terrified as the plane was being buffeted by the terrible storm. With every lurch the plane was taking, the adults were getting more alarmed. Everyone. Except for one child who seemed completely composed and unafraid. The storm meant nothing to this child who was reading a book and relaxing. When questioned why he wasn't afraid, this sweet child replied, "Sir, my Dad is the pilot, and he is taking me home."
All we need is a little faith that the pilot (or captain) knows what he's doing. After all He is our father and is taking us home.

Bas~Melech said...

FR, I think if you know it's true but have a hard time "feeling" it, just keep saying it to yourself... that way at least you'll be ready to recognize when the feeling comes. Does that make sense to you?

CP, I think you're mistranslating -- nobody's saying "That's silly!" What it's saying is, "It will be OK." There's a big difference :-P

DE, beautifully written. Thanks for sharing.

nmf #7 said...

Echoing above- beautiful!

Desperate Faith said...

Anonymous, thanks so much for sharing that story. It's a great lesson... :-)