Sunday, March 22, 2009

Whoever said money can't buy happiness...........

........was so, so right.


Bas~Melech said...

Hm, wonder what brought that on?

Rikki said...

i thought it goes:
"whoever said money can't buy happiness.... doesn't know where to shop!"

Desperate Faith said...

Bas melech, (and all who emailed me the same question) basically, there was a fight going on in my house about money. I thought if I would give the money in question, the fight would be over.
$1500 later I realized that it's not about the money. Money doesn't buy happiness.

I was wrong.....

me too said...

DE, you're right. money doesn't buy anything but things...

houses...but not homes...
gifts...but not love...
food...but not satisfaction...
medicine...but not health...
things...but not happiness...

Bas~Melech said...

Ah, I get it now.

Well the good news is that this must mean you can have your happiness even if the money isn't here now...

Desperate Faith said...

Well, Bas Melech, I need to learn how to be happy independantly of my surroundings. I'm working on it...