Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What happens when you don't pay a bill?

I wish he wouldn't do this.

They say about teeth: "ignore your teeth and they will go away"

It doesn't work that way with bills.

You ignore them...and the service goes away.

This morning, I picked up the phone to dial a number. Nothing happened.

I went to check my email. "Internet Explorer is not connected to the internet."


I said to my father, "Something seems wrong with our phones"

His face fell. He went to his desk and picked up an unopened envelope from the phone company.

He handed it to me. "I can't deal with this. Please deal with it for me."

I opened the envelope. I read the header.

"Final Cancellation Notice"

Apparently, we'd been warned.

Apparently. we ignored the warning.

Apparently, they were fed up.

So I pulled out my credit card. I called the number.

I spoke with an agent, and begged for the service to be reconnected as quickly as possible.

Then I paid the $550 dollar backlog of months of unpaid phone bills.

An hour later, the phones were working again.

We're really lucky, ya know?

The electricity company takes a day to reconnect.

That gas company takes hours.

And now we know how the phone company falls in comparison.

It's a real shame though.

I would be happy to pay the bill when they come.

I don't like to run through automated systems until I find an agent.

I don't like to beg them to do it quickly.

I don't like to pay the reconnection fee.

But it looks like this is just one more nisayon G-d is giving me.

It's funny how it is one of my hardest.

1 comment:

halfshared said...

Omg, I'm sorry that you had to deal with that. And I'm sorry for your father too. It must have been so difficult and humiliating to have to tell his daughter that.