Monday, February 16, 2009

An Additional Nisayon

I was speaking to a very wise woman today, and she gave me an amazing perspective on things.
We were discussing life challenges, and how sometimes it is so hard to see a master plan, but that it's always there. She mentioned how some people have it so hard, and you just can't understand G-d's plan for them.
So then I mentioned to her that there is a perception issue involved. That there are people who seem to be suffering through very similar situations, and yet one can walk around with a permanent frown and everyone feels so bad for them, while the other can hold her head up and smile and the world can forget that she is going through anything.
So I concluded that it is a large part your perception of the situation, not just the situation itself.

So this woman gave me an amazing perspective, that I want to share with you.

The person who is miserable and thinks that nobody in the world knows any suffering that is more extreme than what they endure.....they don't want to be like that. It is their emotional makeup, and thus part of their nisayon. Would they rather be one of those "cope"ers, who can fly around the world giving lectures on dealing with tough situations? Sure they would! But they have an added nisayon. Their emotional makeup prevents them from dealing with things as well as they wish they would. It is not necessarily a cognitive choice, but rather an added test from G-d.


me too said...

very good insight. i'll have to chew it over...

thinking... said...

*chewing along with "me too"*

Thanks, I really needed to hear this... ;)

Desperate Faith said...

My pleasure. I can't tell you both how badly I needed to hear it too. It is amazing how Hashem sends you just what you need, just when you need it.

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

very interesting, I haven't thought of that emotional part being an additional nisayon.

That's encouraging for 2 reasons. 1- that your getting extra sechar. 2- cause then it means you can change it if you work hard on it. That it's not as though its your nature and you'll always be like that.

corner point said...

Great, great point.

Many people forget that sometimes, the invisible tests are the hardest to deal with...

Personally, I think that some emotional/mental/spiritual/psychological issues are the hardest tests out there. Everyone realizes that being sick is a nisayon, or losing a loved one, or having a problem with a child.......but I think it's the inner, hidden nisyonos are the hardest to get through.

Gosh, have so much more to say on this...........

Desperate Faith said...

Corner point, please do continue. ;)