Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Miracle Of Daily Life

"Do you want to witness a miracle? It’s simple. Close your eyes. Then open them. If you are blessed enough to see, you have just experienced millions of cells working in tandem to produce a unique vision of the world in front of you--and the miracle then continues and changes by the millisecond."

This was the beginning of an email my friend sent me (from the hakhel daily email). I thought it was a beautiful lesson, and had to share. It reminded me of an important lesson I have learned along my journey.
I used to think that having bitachon in Hashem, that He would provide for me, meant believing He could do a miracle. I thought I was guaranteed to get lots of money in some miraculous way.
Maybe I would win the lottery.
Maybe I would fall in walmart and sue them for a million dollars.
Maybe I would find a wallet lying on the street with a million dollars of cash in it.
Maybe I would dig in my backyard and find a well of natural gas.
Maybe some relative I didn't know I had would die and leave his fortune to me.

Then I learned that it doesn't have to come by way of miracles. Hashem can send me the money I need in the most mundane form.
I can get a raise at my job.
I can get a rebate on a purchase I made.
I can get a bigger tax return than I thought I was going to get.

Now I realize that there is no difference between the two. Is it more miraculous for me to find a wallet with loads of cash in it than for me to get a raise at my job? Is it a easier for Hashem to arrange a tax return than a winning lottery ticket?

My life is full of miracles, at every turn, in every breath that I take.

When I wake up in the morning,
it's a miracle.
When I walk on my own two feet,
it's a miracle.
When I go to work,
it's a miracle.
When I eat lunch, and the food gets digested,
it's a miracle.
When my car starts,
it's a miracle.
When I find shoes on sale,
it's a miracle.
When I fall asleep at night,
it's a miracle.
Everything I do,
is a miracle.

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