Thursday, February 5, 2009

Learning The Good-From The "Bad"

I might have have a leak on top of my head,
But it means I have a roof on top of my head.

I might have scruffy old shoes,
But it means I have feet to put into those shoes.

I might have less food than I want,
But it means I have enough food to live.

I might feel cold when we can't afford enough heat,
But it means my heart is warm.

I might feel like my parents don't do enough for me,
But it means I have parents.

I might work a lot of overtime hours,
But it means I have a great job that pays well.

I might have mold growing on the walls of my bedroom,
But it means I have my own bedroom.

I might hear people argue over money,
But it means I have working ears.

I might need a new outfit to wear to my friend's wedding,
But it means I have friends who's weddings I can attend.

I might not have a harmonious family,
But it means I have a family.

I might have an occasional bad day,
But it means I have many, many good ones...


halfshared said...

May you always see the cup as half full.

Desperate Faith said...

My cup is a lot more than half full.

Floating Reflections said...

Thank you for a known lesson re-awakened. You write well and true...just wish it wasn't so true for you.

Desperate Faith said...

Floating reflections, this is what Hashem wanted for me, so obviously it is "my" truth for a reason. And thanks for the compliment. :)

corner point said...
